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In Japan, Is It Really That Many Coins Are Found Under Vending Machines ..?

GugelQ - konkaiwa (this time) I'm writing about something unique and unexpected that often happens in Japan and when compared to other countries this rarely happens.
Photo : Angga Regar YOUTUBE Video Screenshot / Coin Money found under the Vending Machine
That is often found loose change in the form of coins under the jidouhanbaiki or vending machine or in Indonesian means a vending machine.
Foto : Machine
Vending machines are mushrooming all over Japan not without reason, but because Japanese people really like something practical or easy to do.
Foto :
Quoted from in his article discussing Jidouhanbaiki, in Japan there are at least 5.52 million vending machines scattered in cities and villages throughout Japan, even to the foot of Mount Fuji there are vending machines. The regularity of Japanese people's lives makes them not damage the existing vending machine facilities, even if they are not monitored by hidden cameras.

Vending machines in Japan not only sell drinks, but also sell other products such as bananas, a bowl of warm noodles, eggs, rice or even T-shirts. What's even more surprising is selling these women's bras or underwear at vending machines.

But in this article I did not discuss specifically about the items sold in Japanese vending machines, we returned to the original topic, namely that many coins were found under or under vending machines. How come?

A youtuber by the name of Channel Angga Regar in his video shows that there are coins scattered under the vending machine, this is because when entering money into the vending machine to buy products in it or when taking otsuri or change it is often coins it falls and rolls under the engine.
Photo : Screenshot of Angga Regar's youtube videoThe 50 Yen and 10 Yen Denominated Coins

Because many Japanese people can't squat down to pick up their money, that's why the money that falls is left alone and not taken again. Because this often happens it causes a lot of coins to be scattered under the vending machine, but there are also some who can squat or crawl to get their money back.

I confirmed this to nihonjin or Japanese people who are currently working in Indonesia, through a short Whatsapp message I asked him if this really happens often in Japan. This is the answer

Photo : screenshot of whatsapp conversation

ブログで? すごいですね!
じどうはんばいきの下に硬貨(こうか coin)がたくさんあるという話しははじめてききました。

たぶん手がのばせない奥(おく in)のほうに、お金がころがっていったんだと思います。

In essence, she explained that she just found out that this often happens in his country, probably because the money that falls is rolling deep and is difficult to reach, so let it be, but if the money that falls is 500 yen which if converted to Rupiah around Rp. 60,000 falls down the vending machine it will still be picked up as much as possible.

For those of you outside Japan who want to try to find coins in Japan, you can take a peek under the vending machines there. But don't expect to get big denominations, okay?

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