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Start Business? Don't Do This So You Don't Lose

Have a desire to start a business? But confused about what to do first and how to start with a fairly minimal capital and fear of failure when starting a business.

In this article, I intend to give reflection to anyone who wants to start a business, either individually or in groups, the things to avoid when starting a business are the topics that will be discussed in this article. Hopefully this article is useful for anyone who reads it.

Starting a business must be prepared carefully and in totality, through GugelQ I have summarized some things to avoid when starting a business.

1. Don't Follow the Trends

Never start a business just to follow trends, because trends change from day to day and are difficult to predict. As a result, a business that was started because of a seasonal trend will end up failing in the middle of the process.

We can see and observe for ourselves how the precious stone business used to skyrocket because of the trend that supported it, but now because the trend is no longer in favor, many entrepreneurs are losing money because there are no enthusiasts who want to buy. their merchandise.

In the current pandemic period, the need for medical equipment, especially masks, is increasing, thus making some people flock to buy masks in very large quantities to resell to others at a fairly high price. But now they are left with a myriad of masks whose prices are down from the purchase price of masks, which means big losses.

As much as possible starting a business because we really see the long-term existence of the business to be started, study it carefully and thoroughly because the losses will be borne by us.

2. Don't Plagiarize Other People's Business

As much as possible not to join in starting a business that has been initiated by others because you want to get the same results, know that sustenance has been determined.

Without having to copy other people's efforts, let alone directly, we can still start a business with new ideas that no one else has done before.

When you see a neighbor who starts an online buying and selling business and finds out the turnover is quite large and then follows from starting the same business, there will only be 2 choices, namely we profit or lose because we lose competitiveness with others.

3. Don't be in hurry

As previously mentioned, when we start a business, we must have knowledge of the business we will be doing, such as starting a cargo or shipping business.

Must understand the delivery mechanism, determine costs that are adjusted to community conditions, understand the location, know other fields that will support the delivery of goods and others. If you don't have enough knowledge, then you can be sure that the business you start will run aground in the middle of the road and leave you at a loss.
Don't be in a hurry to start a business, because chasing a dream to get a lot of profit and then immediately starting a business without thinking about the long-term effects.

Make good business management, so that the business that will be started is directed and sustainable.

In living it will be easier for us because we do not have to guess who did what and how we get out of the problems or obstacles that will be faced later.

4. Don't be easily disappointed with the results

Starting a business will inevitably have ups and downs in income and loss, because we don't always get instant results, an owner of a well-known American fried chicken brand has experienced many failures and rejections in various places.

People only see the results that are already visible now and are less concerned with what they experienced in the early days of building a business, so we must be mentally prepared when our business starts to decline in terms of income and production.

5. Don't think too much profit

People who start a business will definitely think about profit first, there is nothing wrong with thinking about profit because starting a business is to get profit and prosperity for yourself.

But reducing the thought of getting big profits will actually make us lose the principle of maintaining quality, for example a culinary business that pursues big profits will start to reduce food portions, start not thinking about the taste of the food being sold. Because the priority of the mind is only focused on the benefits that must be achieved from the business.

So, those are 5 things to avoid in starting a business or business, both individually and collectively, I really hope that reliable business people will read this article in the future.

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