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- From branded t-shirts and thumb drives to coffee mugs and Frisbees with company logos, do you tend to keep your "gift items" on the way home from business trips or just throw them away?

“Swag”, by definition, is free stuff that companies give away to promote their organization, products, and brands. Companies often offer bulk freebies to attendees at corporate events and conferences, but some also do so as a way to promote the brand to customers.

There must be some truth behind the adage, "no free stuff is created equal," but your company's promotional items don't have to be boring either...

1. Paper Products

When it comes to promoting your business to other businesses that might use it, think about convenience through office-related promotional items like Post-It notes, moleskine pens, and notebooks. 

Items that require paper, such as Moleskine notebooks, offer promotional items that can be purchased in bulk in corporate colors and then stamped with a logo. then Share at conferences and attendees tend to use it and take it home after the event.

2. Bottle of drinking water

The rush of a business conference can make you very thirsty. That's why reusable water bottles are valued and promoted as items at conferences.
They offer the convenience of on-the-go rehydration and encourage attendees to remember your brand long after the conference.

3. portable charger

Everyone, and I mean everyone brings a smartphone or tablet to a business conference. And they wear it all day long. So you can imagine how exciting it would be for someone to offer a universal charger as a gift, just when you run out of battery. Also, the charger will most likely be reused and your logo exposed long after the conference is over.

4. Snacks

From a bag of coffee beans to a company-branded candy bar, the best way to attract attention is to feed people. People generally like those who offer delicious snacks, and in the midst of a busy business conference, offering branded food as spoil will get a lot of appreciation. So think broadly when it comes to groceries and choose popular snacks without the risk of food allergies (i.e. peanuts).

5. Branded Clothes

T-shirts, gloves, scarves, socks and t-shirts. They all provide a canvas for your cool logo design and company tagline, even if they don't know what it is or what it does.

Give away the t-shirt as swag and your logo is likely to be used in many different contexts, and even cities, outside of the original commercial or promotional event.

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