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Benefits of wandering that must be known, number 7 is the most wow

GugelQ - Migrating requires a person to leave his place of residence to a place far from relatives for some time and for a reason of course.

Before you migrate, you must know what the benefits of meantau are, tries to present articles about merantau which are hoped to be useful for the general public.

Migrating is often accompanied by reasons to improve and help the family's economy, find a living for themselves, and to get capital that can be used later when returning to their hometown.

Migrants are not only going to work, but those who go out of the area to study such as students or students who are willing to leave their families to gain knowledge can also be classified as nomads.

Have you ever heard the words of people in overseas lands "Go home embarrassed, don't come home longing"?, That's a heart complaint felt by a nomad. But before that you first read the following benefits of wandering.

1. Can Live Independently

A nomad can get used to being independent and doing everything on his own, from traveling alone, doing his own washing and cleaning, cooking, and so on.

Not everyone can do this kind of independence, especially those who are used to living with their parents or having workers who fulfill all their needs.

So if you want to practice independence, go wander to a faraway place. A child who was let go by his parents to go abroad had an unspecified reason, namely to train his child's independence.

2. Orderly Financial Management

When in the overseas land, a person will be very detailed in managing his financial expenses, because all his needs will be investigated.

Migrants will be good at managing income and expenses, or if he is a student he will properly manage the money sent by his parents for the next few days and sort out urgent and really needed needs.

3. Get to know a new life

A new life will be encountered when one arrives in the overseas land, cultural differences are certainly the most memorable thing because they have to adapt as quickly as possible.

A new life that requires a nomad to change his lifestyle, adapting to the habits that exist in the overseas area. It may be that the life one faces has never been encountered before, but sometimes someone who is used to a harsh life will not be surprised when in a foreign land.

4. Can Understand Overseas Regional Languages

When you migrate to an area, you can at least understand the local language where you are wandering, at least you will get used to using the accent of the area.

For example, a nomad from Sulawesi goes to the island of Java, so they will understand a little about the Javanese language. In addition to language, the tone of voice and Javanese accent will become frequently used and familiar.

A Javanese who migrates to Jakarta will get used to using the greeting 'lo me', even though such a greeting is never used in his hometown.

A benefit that can be obtained for free when migrating to other regions in Indonesia, when migrating to another country, you are required to learn the language used in that country.

5. New Friends

When you are in a foreign land, it is impossible for you to meet new people who become friends, a student will make friends with people in the overseas area who happen to be on the same campus as him.

Likewise, a worker will make friends with colleagues who are of different ethnicity, language and culture. Became friends because used to meet him. So take advantage of this as much as possible when in overseas land, because 1000 friends are too few and 1 enemy is too many.

6. Good at Overcoming Homesick

Homesick is a feeling of longing for one's hometown, this kind of thing is a natural thing that will be felt by a nomad.

A deep longing for family will be very torturous for a nomad, being away from family for a long period of time and only allows communication via cellphone or virtual world communication.

Homesick that is felt too often will make a nomad become accustomed and consider things like that to be normal things that do not interfere with their activities.
Habits that make a nomad will be good at overcoming longing for family and hometown in their own way.

7. Meet your soul mate in the Overseas Land

Traveling far away and meeting new people is not impossible, it will spread a sense of interest to someone he meets overseas.

A student who decides to stay and settle down and stop the wanderings of his love. Because he found a mate in the area where he wandered.

Likewise, a worker who migrates to Japan or another country, because he feels compatible with the people he meets. So he decided to get married and live in a foreign country.

We never know where our soul mate is, it could be that our soul mate is born and grows up in our overseas area.


That is the benefit of wandering that GugelQ is trying to summarize, because the author is also a nomad. So that you understand what it feels like in the overseas land, go abroad so you know how hard life is and how sweet life is.

A snippet of a song lyric in the Gorontalo regional language that lets someone go abroad gives the impression of a deep message

"Wanu ma moleleyangi, dila lipata ami
(If you want to go, don't forget us)
Dahayi'o tomiyonga to lipu lo tawu rame
(Don't just daydream in a land of crowded people)"

One thing to keep in mind when you are overseas.

"Rain of stones in one's own country is better than rain of gold in another's land"

"Go home, your mother is waiting for you to come home. Don't burden her with longing for her child"

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